Choose two of the distances of planets from the sun and subtract them. Show your work.

Let's choose the distance from the sun to Earth and the distance from the sun to Mars.

The average distance from the sun to Earth is approximately 149.6 million kilometers.
The average distance from the sun to Mars is approximately 227.9 million kilometers.

Subtracting these two distances:

227.9 million km - 149.6 million km = 78.3 million km.

Let's choose Mars and Jupiter as two of the planets in our calculation.

The average distance of Mars from the Sun is about 227.9 million kilometers.

The average distance of Jupiter from the Sun is about 778.3 million kilometers.

To subtract these two distances, we can use the formula: Jupiter's distance - Mars's distance.

Subtracting the distances, we get:

778.3 million km - 227.9 million km = 550.4 million km.

Therefore, the difference between the distances of Jupiter and Mars from the Sun is approximately 550.4 million kilometers.

To find the difference between two distances of planets from the Sun, we need to know the specific distances of the planets. Let's choose Earth and Mars as our example.

First, we need to find the distances of Earth and Mars from the Sun. The average distance of Earth from the Sun is about 93 million miles (149.6 million kilometers), and the average distance of Mars from the Sun is about 142 million miles (228 million kilometers).

To find the difference between the two distances, we subtract Earth's distance from Mars' distance:

142 million miles - 93 million miles = 49 million miles

Therefore, the difference between the distances of Earth and Mars from the Sun is 49 million miles.