Which sentence explains what visuals in an informational text do?

A. They can help the reader understand the information in the text.
B. They can replace several paragraphs of information in the text.
C. They can give the reader something nice to look at.
D. They can give the reader an idea of what types of images the author likes.

A. They can help the reader understand the information in the text.

A. They can help the reader understand the information in the text.

The correct sentence that explains what visuals in an informational text do is A. They can help the reader understand the information in the text.

To determine the correct answer, it is important to carefully read and analyze the provided options. In this case, option A clearly states that visuals in an informational text help the reader understand the information. This aligns with the typical purpose of visuals in informational texts, which is to provide additional context, support comprehension, and enhance the overall understanding of the information presented.

Option B, on the other hand, suggests that visuals can replace several paragraphs of information, which is not typically the primary purpose of visuals in an informational text. While visuals can indeed condense information, they are meant to supplement and clarify the text rather than replace it entirely.

Option C, "They can give the reader something nice to look at," is largely unrelated to the informational aspect of the visuals. While visuals can be aesthetically pleasing, their primary purpose is to convey information, rather than just providing something visually appealing.

Option D is also unrelated to the function of visuals in an informational text. The personal preferences of the author are not typically the purpose of including visuals. Instead, visuals are included to enhance the reader's understanding and to present information in a clear and accessible manner.