In 5 hours the Acela Express, the fastest train in North America, traveled 775 miles. How far did it travel in 8 hours?

To find the distance the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can set up a proportion:

5 hours → 775 miles

8 hours → x miles

We can solve this proportion by cross multiplying:

5 * x = 8 * 775

5x = 6200

x = 6200 / 5

x = <<6200/5=1240>>1240

Therefore, the Acela Express traveled 1240 miles in 8 hours.

To find out how far the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can set up a proportion using the information given.

Let's assume "x" represents the distance traveled in 8 hours.

The proportion can be set up as follows:

5 hours / 775 miles = 8 hours / x miles

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and solve for "x".

5 hours * x miles = 775 miles * 8 hours

5x = 6200

Now, we can divide both sides of the equation by 5 to solve for "x":

x = 6200 / 5

x = 1240

Therefore, the Acela Express will travel approximately 1240 miles in 8 hours.

To find out how far the Acela Express traveled in 8 hours, we can use a proportion since the train's speed remains constant. Let's set up the proportion:

5 hours / 775 miles = 8 hours / x miles

To solve for x, the distance the train traveled in 8 hours, we cross-multiply:

5 hours * x miles = 775 miles * 8 hours

This gives us:

5x = 6,200

To isolate x, we divide both sides of the equation by 5:

x = 6,200 / 5

Evaluating this expression, we find:

x = 1,240

Therefore, the Acela Express traveled 1,240 miles in 8 hours.