Which kind of informational text would use a sequence structure?(1 point)


a blog post that explains the effects of pollution on human health
a blog post that explains the effects of pollution on human health

a book that compares two fashion designers
a book that compares two fashion designers

an article that contrasts trucks and SUVs
an article that contrasts trucks and SUVs

a manual that lists the steps for building a bookcase

a manual that lists the steps for building a bookcase

a manual that lists the steps for building a bookcase

A manual that lists the steps for building a bookcase would use a sequence structure.

A sequence structure is a type of informational text organization where the information is presented in a chronological order or a step-by-step process. In this case, the manual is presenting information in a specific order, starting from the first step and going through the subsequent steps until the final product is complete. This type of structure is commonly used when explaining procedures, recipes, instructions, or any other process that needs to be followed in a specific order.