This graph shows the relationship between the amount of CO₂ released by humans and the disappearance of Arctic sea ice.

What is missing in this graph?

The graph contains no data and gives no information about the units for the variables.
The graph has no units on the X-axis.
The graph gives no information about the scales of the two axes.
The graph has no units on the Y-axis.
The graph uses different scales on the two axes.

The graph contains no data and gives no information about the units for the variables.

The graph is missing information about the units for the variables, both on the X-axis and the Y-axis.

The correct answer is: The graph uses different scales on the two axes.

To determine the missing aspect or issue with the graph, we need to carefully examine the information provided. In this case, we are given a graph that showcases the relationship between the amount of CO₂ released by humans and the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. The graph, however, does not provide any explicit information about the scales of the two axes.

Graph scales are essential to accurately represent data and relationships between variables. They determine the range and increments of values shown on the axis. A common issue in graphs is when each axis uses a different scale, which can mislead viewers and distort the representation of data.

Therefore, based on the given options, the missing aspect in the graph is that it uses different scales on the two axes. To improve the graph's clarity and accuracy, it is crucial to ensure that both axes have consistent scales.