
A _______ is a tall block of solid stone standing by itself.
(1 point)


The correct answer is C) Monolith.

To find the answer to this question, we can start by understanding the definition of the terms given as options.

1. Moai: Moai refers to the large statues found on Easter Island, but it does not match the description of "a tall block of solid stone standing by itself."

2. Megalith: A megalith is a large stone that has been used in construction or for ceremonial purposes, often forming part of a prehistoric monument. While it can be tall, it is typically used in conjunction with other stones and does not usually stand alone.

3. Monolith: A monolith fits the description given in the question. It refers to a tall block of solid stone standing by itself. Monoliths are often created by erosion or volcanic activity and commonly found in nature, such as mountains or cliffs.

4. Stonehenge: Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument consisting of a circle of standing stones, but it does not meet the criteria of a "tall block of solid stone standing by itself" as it is composed of multiple stones arranged in a circular formation.

Based on the definitions provided, the correct answer to the question is C) Monolith.