Evaluate the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2 . Show all your work.(4 points)

We first evaluate the expression inside the parentheses:

1^4 = 1
5+3 = 8
6-2 = 4
So, (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2 becomes (1⋅8/4)^2.

Next, we simplify the expression inside the parentheses:
1⋅8/4 = 2
So, (1⋅8/4)^2 becomes 2^2.

Finally, we evaluate 2^2:
2^2 = 4

Therefore, the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2 evaluates to 4.

To evaluate the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2, we will follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division- from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction- from left to right).

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

(5+3) = 8

(6-2) = 4

Now we have:


Next, let's simplify the exponents:

1^4 = 1

Now we have:


After that, let's perform the multiplication and division:

8/4 = 2

Now we have:


Finally, let's complete the calculation by evaluating the expression:

(1⋅2)^2 = 2^2 = 4

Therefore, the value of the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2 is 4.

To evaluate the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2, we need to follow the order of operations. Here's how we can solve it step by step:

1. Inside the parentheses: (5+3) = 8.
2. Inside the parentheses: (6-2) = 4.

Now the expression becomes: (1^4⋅8/4)^2.

3. Exponent: 1^4 = 1.
4. Multiplication: 1⋅8 = 8.
5. Division: 8/4 = 2.

Now the expression becomes: (2)^2.

6. Exponent: 2^2 = 4.

Therefore, the value of the expression (1^4⋅(5+3)/(6−2))^2 is 4.

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