how long was the peoples trip to ply mount

The duration of the trip to Plymouth can vary depending on the starting location of the people and the mode of transportation. If you provide more specific information, I can help answer your question in a better way.

The duration of the journey to Plymouth may vary depending on the starting point and mode of transportation. However, assuming you are referring to the voyage made by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620, the trip lasted approximately 66 days. The Pilgrims embarked on their journey from Plymouth, England, on September 6, 1620, and arrived in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, on November 9, 1620.

To find out how long the trip to Plymouth was for the people you're referring to, you'll need some additional context. The trip's duration depends on the starting location, mode of transportation, and historical period you are referring to. Please provide more information or clarify your question so that I can assist you better.