Analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar. The Rohingya are experiencing what type of factor?(1 point) Responses political push factor political push factor social push factor social push factor economic push factor economic push factor environmental push factor environmental push factor

The Rohingya in Myanmar are primarily experiencing a political push factor. This is evident from the severe persecution and discrimination they face based on their ethnic and religious identity. The Myanmar government has imposed restrictive policies, denied them citizenship, and subjected them to violence, displacement, and human rights abuses. These political factors are the main drivers behind the large-scale migration of the Rohingya population.

The migration occurring in Myanmar, particularly involving the Rohingya, is primarily driven by political push factors. The Rohingya are facing persecution and violence in Myanmar due to their ethnic and religious identity, which has forced many to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries. This persecution stems from discriminatory policies and a lack of recognition of the Rohingya as citizens of Myanmar. Therefore, the main factor driving their migration is political push factor.

To analyze the migration occurring in Myanmar and determine the factor affecting the Rohingya population, let's break down the options:

1. Political push factor: This factor relates to political issues, such as persecution, discrimination, or conflict in a region or country. In the case of the Rohingya population, they have faced severe political push factors in Myanmar, including systemic discrimination, violence, and restrictions on citizenship and movement.

2. Social push factor: Social push factors generally refer to societal or cultural issues that may drive people to migrate. While social factors can contribute to the plight of the Rohingya, the primary driving factor for their migration is political rather than solely social.

3. Economic push factor: Economic push factors usually involve economic hardships, lack of employment opportunities, or poverty. While economic conditions can influence migration patterns, the primary push factor for the Rohingya is not primarily economic.

4. Environmental push factor: Environmental push factors pertain to natural disasters, climate change, or environmental degradation. Although the Rohingya face vulnerability to extreme weather events and live in environmentally challenging areas, it is not the primary cause of their migration.

Given the options, the most accurate factor affecting the Rohingya population in Myanmar is the political push factor. The deeply rooted discrimination and persecution against the Rohingya by the Myanmar government and society have forced many to flee their homes and seek refuge in neighboring countries.