a baseball and a bowling ball roll of a table at the same sime which one reaches the ground first

the baseball hits first
bowling ball hits first
they both hit at the same time
not enough info given

To determine which object reaches the ground first, we need to consider the factors that could affect their falling speed, such as mass, shape, and air resistance.

Assuming there is no air resistance:
In the absence of any other forces acting on the objects, the time it takes for an object to fall to the ground depends solely on its vertical height and does not depend on the mass or shape of the object. According to this assumption, both the baseball and the bowling ball would hit the ground at the same time, regardless of their respective masses.

However, in reality, there is air resistance, which affects objects differently depending on their shape and surface area. Since we do not have any information about the mass, shape, or other properties of the baseball and the bowling ball, we cannot definitively determine which one would reach the ground first.

Therefore, the answer would be "not enough info given" to determine which object hits the ground first.

Assuming there is no air resistance and the height of the table is not specified, both the baseball and bowling ball will hit the ground at the same time. This is due to the principle of gravity, which states that objects of different masses fall at the same rate in the absence of air resistance. Therefore, the correct answer is that they both hit the ground at the same time.

To determine which ball reaches the ground first, we need to consider the factors affecting their motion: mass, shape, and the force acting on them. Assuming both balls are released from the same height while neglecting air resistance, we can determine the answer.

Acceleration due to gravity is constant for all objects near the Earth's surface, regardless of their mass. Therefore, both balls experience the same acceleration.

Now, if both the baseball and the bowling ball are released at the same time, the only difference between them is their mass. As both balls experience the same acceleration, according to Newton's second law of motion (F = ma), the force required to accelerate a heavier object is greater than that for a lighter object.

Since the bowling ball has more mass than the baseball, it requires a greater force or more time to reach the ground. Therefore, the baseball will reach the ground first, followed by the bowling ball.