After you have described the setting and you are about to introduce now concepts, you have no choice but to (1 point)

O hope that everything tums out OK
O make jokes to take the focus off of you
O speed up to relay as much information as you can
O slow down

O slow down

When introducing new concepts after describing the setting, it is generally recommended to slow down. This allows the audience to fully absorb and understand the new information being presented. By slowing down, you can ensure clarity and avoid overwhelming the audience with too much information at once.

The correct answer is to slow down. When introducing new concepts after describing the setting, it's important to slow down the pace of your explanation to give the audience time to absorb and understand the information. This allows them to fully grasp the new concepts and prevents overwhelming them with too much information too quickly. Slowing down also helps you maintain a clear and organized presentation, allowing for better comprehension and engagement from your audience.