Apply the product rule of exponents to form an equivalent expression of one with a small six on top of the one×1 with a small two on top of the one×1 with a small one on top of the one

To apply the product rule of exponents, we multiply the bases together and keep the exponents the same.

So, the equivalent expression of (1^6) × (1^2) × (1^1) can be obtained by multiplying the bases 1^6, 1^2, and 1^1 together.

Since any number raised to the power of 1 is equal to the number itself, we can simply multiply the numbers without worrying about their exponents.

Thus, (1^6) × (1^2) × (1^1) is equal to 1 × 1 × 1, which simplifies to 1.

To apply the product rule of exponents and combine the given expressions, we can multiply the bases together and add the exponents.

The given expressions are as follows:
1^6 × 1^2 × 1^1

Using the product rule of exponents, we multiply the bases (1) together and add the exponents (6 + 2 + 1):

1^(6 + 2 + 1) = 1^9

Therefore, the equivalent expression is 1 raised to the power of 9.

To apply the product rule of exponents, we need to multiply the bases and add the exponents together.

Let's break down the given expression step by step:

1. The first term is "one with a small six on top of the one" or 1⁶. Since any number raised to the power of 1 is itself, we can rewrite it as 1.

2. The second term is "1 with a small two on top of the one" or 1², which is equal to 1.

3. The third term is "1 with a small one on top of the one" or 1¹, which is also equal to 1.

Now, let's apply the product rule of exponents:

Multiply the bases (1 × 1 × 1) and add the exponents (6 + 2 + 1):

1⁶ × 1² × 1¹ = 1^(6+2+1) = 1⁹

Therefore, the equivalent expression is "one with a small nine on top of the one" or 1⁹.