Introduction to exponents QuickChek saw the multi step problem 39×12 with a small two on top of the 12-2-3 with a small three on top of the three

Based on the information provided, it seems like a mathematical expression involving exponents is being described. The expression is 39 multiplied by 12 raised to the power of 2, minus 3 raised to the power of 3.

To evaluate this expression, we start by calculating the exponent 12^2 first. This means multiplying 12 by itself: 12 × 12 = 144.

Next, we calculate the exponent 3^3. To do this, we multiply 3 by itself three times: 3 × 3 × 3 = 27.

Finally, we subtract the result of 27 from 144: 144 - 27 = 117.

Therefore, the value of the expression 39×12^2 - 3^3 is 117.

The problem you mentioned involves exponents, which are a way of representing repeated multiplication. The small numbers above the other numbers are called exponents. In this case, the small two on top of the 12 (12^2) means that 12 is being multiplied by itself twice, and the small three on top of the 3 (3^3) means that 3 is being multiplied by itself three times.

To solve this problem, we'll break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the exponent expressions
12^2 means 12 × 12, which equals 144.
3^3 means 3 × 3 × 3, which equals 27.

Now we have 39 × 144-2-27.

Step 2: Perform the operations inside parentheses
144 - 2 - 27 can be rewritten as 144 - 2 = 142, and then 142 - 27 = 115.

Now we have 39 × 115.

Step 3: Multiply the numbers together
39 × 115 equals 4,485.

Therefore, the solution to the problem 39×12^2-3^3 is 4,485.

To solve the expression 39 × 12 with exponents, you need to understand the rules of exponents. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The expression has a small number above each number (base). These small numbers are called exponents.
2. The small number above the 12 is 2, and the one above the 3 is 3. We'll use these exponents in our calculations.
3. First, take the base number 12 and raise it to the power of 2. This means you need to multiply 12 by itself: 12 × 12 = 144.
4. Next, take the result from the previous step, which is 144, and raise it to the power of 3. This means you need to multiply 144 by itself twice: 144 × 144 × 144 = 2985984.
5. Finally, take the result from the previous step, which is 2985984, and multiply it by 39: 2985984 × 39 = 116474976.

So, the answer to the expression 39 × 12^2^ - 3^3^ is 116474976.