How would Clay’s American System with high tariffs on imported goods have benefited the West and South? Choose two(2 points)


He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff.
He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff.

He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.
He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.

He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.
He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.

He expected that money from tariffs would be used to help farmers ship their goods to the North.
He expected that money from tariffs would be used to help farmers ship their goods to the North.
choose two answers

1) He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff.

2) He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.

The two points that would benefit the West and South from Clay's American System with high tariffs on imported goods are:

1. He expected that Northerners would use their profits to buy farmed goods from the West and South.
2. He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds.

The two points that explain how Clay’s American System with high tariffs on imported goods would have benefited the West and South are:

1. He expected that the South and West would profit by importing goods from countries on which the United States did not impose the tariff. This means that by imposing high tariffs on imported goods, the American System would incentivize the South and West to look for alternative trading partners outside the United States. They would seek out countries that were not subject to the tariffs and import goods from them. This would open up new economic opportunities for the South and West, allowing them to diversify their trade markets and potentially increase their profits.

2. He expected that state-constructed roads, which would make the transportation of goods from each region profitable, would be built from the funds. With the revenue generated from the high tariffs, Clay proposed using the funds to invest in infrastructure development such as building state-constructed roads. These roads would facilitate the transportation of goods between the different regions of the country, making trade between the West, South, and North more efficient and profitable. This would benefit the West and South by providing them with better access to markets and enabling them to sell their products more easily.