which organism can reproduce both sexually and asexually?

a. dog
b. sandhill crane
c. starfish
d. protist

c. starfish

The organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually is the c. starfish.

The organism that can reproduce both sexually and asexually is the starfish.

To arrive at this answer, you can first eliminate options a, b, and d, as dogs, sandhill cranes, and protists generally reproduce exclusively thual reproduction.
Next, you should consider the reproductive abilities of a starfish. Starfish are known to have the capacity for both sexual and asexual reproduction. They can reproduce sexually by releasing eggs and sperm into the water, where fertilization occurs externally. Additionally, they can also reproduce asexually through a process called fragmentation, where a part of the starfish's body can detach and regenerate into a new individual.
Therefore, the correct answer is c. starfish.