Of the following choices, which ones influenced the emergence of opposing political parties? Select all that apply.(2 points)


differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have
differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have

increase in the distribution of newspapers
increase in the distribution of newspapers

looming threat of war with Canada
looming threat of war with Canada

mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government

differences in opinion on how much power federal government should have

increase in the distribution of newspapers

The choices that influenced the emergence of opposing political parties are:

1. Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have.
2. Increase in the distribution of newspapers.

To determine which choices influenced the emergence of opposing political parties, we need to analyze each option and see if it relates to the formation of opposing political factions.

1. Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have: This is a significant factor that influenced the emergence of opposing political parties. The debate over the role and power of the federal government led to the formation of parties with differing ideologies, such as the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.

2. Increase in the distribution of newspapers: While the distribution of newspapers can facilitate the spread of information and different viewpoints, it may not be a direct cause of the emergence of opposing political parties. However, it can contribute to creating a political climate where differing opinions are openly discussed.

3. Looming threat of war with Canada: While the threat of war can intensify political divisions and provide a catalyst for parties' formation, it is not directly linked to the emergence of opposing political parties. It may influence political alliances and opinions, but the formation of parties usually occurs due to broader differences in ideology or policy positions.

4. Mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government: This factor might be relevant to the formation of opposing political parties. If there is pressure from external forces to establish a specific type of government, it can lead to disagreements and the emergence of parties with different perspectives on how to respond to this pressure.

Based on the analysis, the choices that influenced the emergence of opposing political parties are:
1. Differences in opinion on how much power the federal government should have.
4. Mounting pressure from Britain to further establish government.