What is the expression 17.2 -4 with a small 2+6 in simplest form

To simplify the expression 17.2 - 4 + (2 + 6), we first simplify the expression in parentheses:

2 + 6 = 8
Now, we can substitute this value back into the original expression:
17.2 - 4 + 8
Next, we combine the like terms:
17.2 - 4 + 8 = 21.2 + 8 = 29.2
Therefore, the expression 17.2 - 4 + (2 + 6) simplifies to 29.2.

To simplify the expression (17.2 - 4) + (2 + 6), we first perform the addition within the parentheses:

2 + 6 = 8.

Now we have:

(17.2 - 4) + 8.

Next, we perform the subtraction:

17.2 - 4 = 13.2.

Finally, we substitute the values back into the expression:

13.2 + 8.

Therefore, the expression 17.2 - 4 + (2 + 6) simplifies to 13.2 + 8.

To simplify the expression (17.2 - 4) + (2 + 6) in the simplest form, you need to perform the calculations step-by-step. Here's how you can do it:

1. Start by evaluating the expression within the parentheses: (2 + 6).
- Add 2 and 6 together: 2 + 6 = 8.

2. Now, you can rewrite the expression as 17.2 - 4 + 8.

3. Evaluate the remaining addition operation: 17.2 - 4 + 8.
- Subtract 4 from 17.2: 17.2 - 4 = 13.2.

4. Finally, add the result to 8: 13.2 + 8.
- Add 13.2 and 8 together: 13.2 + 8 = 21.2.

Therefore, the expression (17.2 - 4) + (2 + 6) in simplest form is equal to 21.2.