The graph models the linear relationship between the number of monthly payments made on a loan and the remaining balance in dollars left to pay on the loan.

A.3C Q1
Which statement describes the x‑intercept of the graph?

Question 1 options:

The x-intercept is 60, which represents the initial balance in dollars of the loan

The x-intercept is 60, which represents he number of monthly payments needed to repay the loan

The x-intercept is 27,000, which represents the number of monthly payments needed to repay the loan

The x-intercept is 27,000, which represents the initial balance in dollars of the loan

The correct statement is:

The x-intercept is 60, which represents the number of monthly payments needed to repay the loan

The correct statement describing the x-intercept of the graph is:

The x-intercept is 60, which represents the initial balance in dollars of the loan.

To find the x-intercept of a graph, we need to identify the point where the graph crosses the x-axis. In this case, the x-axis represents the number of monthly payments made on the loan. The statement that describes the x-intercept of the graph is:

"The x-intercept is 60, which represents the initial balance in dollars of the loan."

This means that when zero monthly payments have been made (x = 0), the remaining balance on the loan is $60, which is the initial balance.