Combine the like terms to create an equivalent expression:


The like terms are -4r and -2r. To combine them, we add their coefficients: -4r + -2r = -6r. So the equivalent expression is \boxed{-6r + 5}.

To combine the like terms, we will add the coefficients of the terms that have the same variable. In this case, we have two terms with the variable 'r'.

The first term is -4r and the second term is -2r. Adding these coefficients gives us -4 + (-2) = -6.

So, the combined expression is:

\large{-6r + 5}

To combine like terms, you need to identify the terms that have the same variables with the same exponents.

In the given expression, the terms that involve the variable 'r' are -4r and -2r. Since both terms have the same variable 'r' with the same exponent (which is 1), they can be combined.

-4r - 2r can be simplified to -(4r + 2r) or -6r.

So, the equivalent expression is -6r + 5.