Which sentence includes a gerund?(1 point)


Graham learned to dive at the community swimming pool.
Graham learned to dive at the community swimming pool.

Swimming in the gulf is Finn's favorite summer activity.
Swimming in the gulf is Finn's favorite summer activity.

Nash has been swimming since he was five years old.
Nash has been swimming since he was five years old.

While swimming at the beach, Harper found a starfish.

Swimming in the gulf is Finn's favorite summer activity.

The sentence that includes a gerund is: "Swimming in the gulf is Finn's favorite summer activity."

The sentence that includes a gerund is:

"Swimming in the gulf is Finn's favorite summer activity."

To identify a gerund, we need to look for a verb that is used as a noun. Gerunds end in -ing and function as a subject or object in a sentence. In this case, "Swimming" is the gerund because it is used as the subject of the sentence, describing the activity that Finn enjoys.