Which graphic best supports a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda?(1 point)


a video that explains how soda is made
a video that explains how soda is made

a chart showing how types of beverages affect health
a chart showing how types of beverages affect health

a photograph of a soda advertisement
a photograph of a soda advertisement

a timeline showing the history of the soda industry

a chart showing how types of beverages affect health

The graphic that best supports a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda is:

- a chart showing how types of beverages affect health

The best graphic that supports a persuasive essay about the negative effects of soda would be:

a chart showing how types of beverages affect health

To find the answer, you need to consider the purpose of a persuasive essay and the topic of the negative effects of soda. In a persuasive essay, you want to present information and evidence that supports your argument or opinion. In this case, you are arguing that soda has negative effects.

A video that explains how soda is made may provide some background information, but it might not directly support your argument about the negative effects of soda. It's important to focus on the impact of soda on health.

A photograph of a soda advertisement might catch attention, but it may not provide sufficient evidence or data to support your essay's argument.

A timeline showing the history of the soda industry could give some context, but it doesn't directly show the negative effects of soda.

On the other hand, a chart showing how types of beverages affect health can visually represent the different effects of various beverages, including soda. This graphic would allow you to compare and contrast the negative effects of soda with other healthier alternatives. It enables readers to see the evidence directly and easily understand the detrimental impact of soda on health, making it an effective choice for a persuasive essay supporting the negative effects of soda.