Read the following sentences.

1) How many U.S. presidents can you name? (2) In the year 2000, U.S. citizens elected the 43rd president. (3) Some presidents were elected more than once. (4) Franklin Roosevelt, for example, was elected to four terms in office. (5) Many citizens would have given him their vote again, beUse the passage to answer the question.
In sentence 1, the underlined word is ______.

B. a subject

C. a predicate

D. an indirect object

a. none of the above

In sentence 1, the underlined word is "can". There is no underlined word in sentence 1, so the correct answer is D. None of the above.

B. a subject

To find the answer to this question, we can analyze the given sentence:

"How many U.S. presidents can you name?"

In this sentence, the underlined word is "presidents."

Now, we can determine the function of this word in the sentence. In this case, "presidents" is the object of the verb "can name." The subject of the sentence is "you," and the predicate is "can name."

Therefore, the correct answer is:

B. a subject