The next number in the sequence 121321341324 is 121321341324.

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The number sequence you provided is: 121321341324. To understand the pattern or find the next number in the sequence, we can analyze it step by step:

- The first number is 1.
- The second number is 2. At this point, we can observe that the second number is indicating the count of the first number in the sequence.
- The third number is 1. This means there is one occurrence of the second number in the sequence.
- The fourth number is 3. So, there are three occurrences of the third number.
- The fifth number is 2. Hence, there are two occurrences of the fourth number.
- The sixth number is 1. Therefore, there is one occurrence of the fifth number.
- The seventh number is 3. So, there are three occurrences of the sixth number.
- The eighth number is 4. Therefore, there are four occurrences of the seventh number.
- The ninth number is 1. Thus, there is one occurrence of the eighth number.
- The tenth number is 3. Hence, there are three occurrences of the ninth number.
- The eleventh number is 2. So, there are two occurrences of the tenth number.
- The twelfth number is 4. Therefore, there are four occurrences of the eleventh number.

Based on this pattern, we can continue the sequence:

- The thirteenth number would be 1, since there is one occurrence of the twelfth number in the sequence.
- The fourteenth number would be 3, as there are three occurrences of the thirteenth number.

So, the next numbers in the sequence are 1, 3.