what figurative language is found in the qoute "she fills the twining words with relatives.

But when I ask my
Ukrainian-Jewish-American grandma
about her childhood in a village
near snowy Kiev,
all she reveals is a single
of ice-skating
on a frozen pond.

Apparently, the length
of a grown-up's
growing-up story
is determined
by the difference
between immigration
and escape.

The figurative language found in the quote is a simile.

In the given quote, there are several examples of figurative language used:

1. Metaphor: The phrase "she fills the twining words with relatives" uses metaphor to compare the act of storytelling with filling words with relatives. It implies that the speaker's grandmother enriches her stories with family connections and details.

2. Simile: The sentence "the length of a grown-up's growing-up story is determined by the difference between immigration and escape" uses a simile to compare the determining factor of a person's life story to the difference between immigration and escape. It suggests that the challenges and experiences related to immigration and escape strongly shape a person's narrative.

Both metaphors and similes are types of figurative language that use comparisons to enhance the meaning and impact of the text.

The figurative language found in the quote is metaphor. Specifically, the line "Apparently, the length of a grown-up's growing-up story is determined by the difference between immigration and escape" uses metaphorical language to compare the length of a person's narrative about their childhood to the difference between immigration and escape. This metaphor suggests that the experiences related to immigration and escape can significantly shape a person's life story.

To identify this figurative language, you can analyze the language and context of the quote. Look for comparisons or language that suggests something other than the literal meaning. In this case, the phrase "the length of a grown-up's growing-up story" is not meant to be taken literally but is used metaphorically to represent the narrative of one's life. Additionally, the comparison between immigration, escape, and the length of the story highlights the use of metaphor in this quote.