Find all possible square roots.

Start Root 7.29 End Root

negative 8.5 or 8.5

negative 3.6 or 3.6

negative 2.7 or 2.7

negative 2.6 or 2.6

The possible square roots of 7.29 are:

-2.7 or 2.7
-2.698 or 2.698

To find all possible square roots, we need to consider both positive and negative square roots for each number.

For the given range, the possible square roots are:

- The square root of 7.29 can be either -2.7 or 2.7.
- The square root of 8.5 can be either -2.92 or 2.92.
- The square root of 3.6 can be either -1.89 or 1.89.
- The square root of 2.6 can be either -1.61 or 1.61.

To find all possible square roots of a given number, you need to consider both the positive and negative square roots.

Let's start with the given number, 7.29. The positive square root is obtained by taking the square root of the number, which gives us 2.7. So, the positive square root is √7.29 = 2.7.

To find the negative square root, you simply add a negative sign in front of the positive square root value. So, the negative square root of 7.29 is -2.7.

Similarly, we can apply the same process to the other numbers.

For -8.5, the positive square root is √8.5 = 2.9. Therefore, the possible square roots are 2.9 and -2.9.

For -3.6, the positive square root is √3.6 ≈ 1.897. Hence, the square roots are approximately 1.897 and -1.897.

For -2.7, the positive square root is √2.7 ≈ 1.643. Hence, the square roots are approximately 1.643 and -1.643.

For -2.6, the positive square root is √2.6 ≈ 1.612. Therefore, the square roots are approximately 1.612 and -1.612.

So, the possible square roots for each number are:
7.29: 2.7 and -2.7
-8.5: 2.9 and -2.9
-3.6: 1.897 and -1.897
-2.7: 1.643 and -1.643
-2.6: 1.612 and -1.612