5 fastest animals in north america

1. Peregrine Falcon: Known for its breathtaking speed during hunting dives, the peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in North America. It can reach speeds of up to 240 miles per hour (386 kilometers per hour) while diving to catch its prey.

2. Pronghorn Antelope: The pronghorn antelope is the second fastest land animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 55 miles per hour (89 kilometers per hour). It is found in the western regions of North America.

3. Cheetah: Although primarily found in Africa, a small population of cheetahs can be found in parts of southwestern Texas, making them one of the fastest animals in North America as well. Cheetahs can reach speeds of up to 70 miles per hour (113 kilometers per hour).

4. North American Mule Deer: Mule deer are known for their impressive bursts of speed, reaching speeds of up to 45 miles per hour (72 kilometers per hour). They are found across North America.

5. Black-tailed Prairie Dog: Though not typically considered to be a fast animal, the black-tailed prairie dog can cover short distances very quickly. They can sprint at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour (56 kilometers per hour).

The five fastest animals in North America are:

1. Pronghorn Antelope: Pronghorn antelope can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour), making them the fastest land animal in North America.

2. American Quarter Horse: Known for their speed, American Quarter Horses can sprint at speeds up to 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour) for short distances.

3. Coyote: Coyotes can reach speeds of up to 43 miles per hour (70 kilometers per hour) in short bursts, making them one of the fastest animals in North America.

4. Black-tailed Jackrabbit: These agile rabbits can run at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour).

5. Pronghorn Horned Lizard: Despite their small size, pronghorn horned lizards can run at impressive speeds of up to 20 miles per hour (32 kilometers per hour) when escaping predators.

To determine the five fastest animals in North America, we need to consider their maximum running speeds. Here are the five fastest animals on land that are native to North America:

1. Pronghorn Antelope: The pronghorn antelope is the fastest land animal in North America. They can reach speeds of up to 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour) when running.

2. North American Grey Wolf: Wolves are known for their agility and speed. They can run at speeds up to 40-45 miles per hour (64-72 kilometers per hour).

3. American Black Bear: While not known for their speed, black bears are surprisingly fast for their size. They can run at speeds up to 30 miles per hour (48 kilometers per hour).

4. Bobcat: Bobcats are smaller wildcats native to North America. They are agile climbers and runners, capable of reaching speeds of 25-30 miles per hour (40-48 kilometers per hour).

5. Pronghorn Cheetah: Despite sharing a similar name, the pronghorn cheetah is not a true cheetah but is related to the pronghorn antelope. It can reach speeds of 55 miles per hour (88 kilometers per hour), similar to its antelope cousin.

These speeds are approximate and can vary between individuals based on factors such as age, health, and environmental conditions. It's important to note that there are other fast animals in North America, but these are the commonly recognized ones.