You and your friend read a book about three animals that travel hundreds of miles to find their way back home. They face danger, illness, and injury, yet eventually arrive alive to greet their heartsick owners. Which of the following is the central idea of this book?

a) Three animals on a journey

b) Three animals risk their lives to return home

d) Three animals run away for an adventure

c) Three animals with superpowers

b) Three animals risk their lives to return home

The central idea of the book is b) Three animals risk their lives to return home.

To determine the central idea of the book you mentioned, you need to analyze the main theme or message that the author intended to convey. One effective way to find the central idea is to consider the overarching plot and conflicts faced by the characters. In this case, the central idea can be determined by the main challenges the three animals encounter and the ultimate goal they strive to achieve.

In the book you described, the three animals face danger, illness, and injury during their journey. Despite these hardships, their main objective is to find their way back home and reunite with their heartsick owners. This suggests that the central idea of the book is option b) Three animals risk their lives to return home.

By exploring the main themes and conflicts within a story, you can often identify the central idea and understand the underlying message the author is trying to convey.