Answer the following questions.

Question 1: What statement BEST describes the process used by the Supreme Court to issue an opinion?

Answer A: A select group of Supreme Court justices will hear oral arguments and decide whether the case should be heard by all the justices before accepting to review the case.
Answer B: The Supreme Court Justices listen to briefs and oral arguments from both sides and will publicly debate the case to vote and decide on their final opinion.
Answer C: A Supreme court receives briefs and oral arguments from both sides before justices privately review the case and conduct a vote to issue their final opinion.
Answer D: A single supreme court justice will review briefs, listen to oral arguments, and decide on the outcome of a case before issuing the final opinion.

Question 2: A minimum of five justice votes must be included for what type of opinion to be issued?

Answer A: Per Curiam Opinion.
Answer B: Majority Opinion.
Answer C: Dissenting Opinion.
Answer D: Concurrent Opinion.

Question 3: What BEST describes the process used by the Supreme court to grant a writ of Certiorari?

Answer A: The court must review all cases where a review is requested.
Answer B: A unanimous vote by the justices grants a review of the case.
Answer C: A majority vote of five justices requires a review of the case.
Answer D: A vote of four justices can grant a review of the case.

Question 4: What type of jurisdiction gives the Supreme Court the authority to grant a writ of certiorari?

Answer A: Rule 10
Answer B: Appellate and Original Jurisdiction
Answer C: Original Jurisdiction
Answer D: Appellate Jurisdiction

Question 5: What is the contrast between judicial restrain and judicial activism in the Supreme Court?

Answer A: Judicial restraint means the court reviews the action; judicial activism means to court does not get involved
Answer B: Judicial restraint means the court takes ownership of the issues; judicial activism means the court has a lot of power
Answer C: Judicial restraint means the court does not get involved; judicial activism means the court reviews the action
Answer D: Judicial restraint means the court does not include its own preferences; judicial activism means the court is silent on the issues of the branches

Question 1: Answer C: A Supreme court receives briefs and oral arguments from both sides before justices privately review the case and conduct a vote to issue their final opinion.

Question 2: Answer B: Majority Opinion.

Question 3: Answer D: A vote of four justices can grant a review of the case.

Question 4: Answer D: Appellate Jurisdiction

Question 5: Answer C: Judicial restraint means the court does not get involved; judicial activism means the court reviews the action.

Question 1: The statement that BEST describes the process used by the Supreme Court to issue an opinion is Answer C: A Supreme court receives briefs and oral arguments from both sides before justices privately review the case and conduct a vote to issue their final opinion.

Question 2: A minimum of five justice votes must be included for the Majority Opinion to be issued. The answer is Answer B.

Question 3: The process used by the Supreme court to grant a writ of Certiorari is Answer D: A vote of four justices can grant a review of the case.

Question 4: The type of jurisdiction that gives the Supreme Court the authority to grant a writ of certiorari is Answer D: Appellate Jurisdiction.

Question 5: The contrast between judicial restraint and judicial activism in the Supreme Court is Answer C: Judicial restraint means the court does not get involved; judicial activism means the court reviews the action.

Question 1: To determine the answer to this question, we need to understand the process used by the Supreme Court to issue an opinion. The best way to find this information is by researching reliable sources, such as official government websites, legal publications, or books on constitutional law. These sources will provide a detailed explanation of how the Supreme Court conducts its proceedings and issues opinions. By reading through these sources, we can find the most accurate and well-supported answer.

Question 2: To determine the answer to this question, we need to know the requirements for issuing different types of opinions. Again, researching reliable sources, such as Supreme Court rulings and legal commentaries, will provide valuable information on the minimum number of votes required for each type of opinion. By examining these sources, we can identify the option that correctly states the minimum number of votes required for a particular type of opinion.

Question 3: In order to answer this question, we need to understand the process of granting a writ of Certiorari by the Supreme Court. This information can be found in legal resources, such as constitutional law textbooks, articles on Supreme Court procedures, or official court documents. By consulting these sources, we can learn about the specific requirements and procedures involved in granting a writ of Certiorari.

Question 4: To answer this question, we need to know the type of jurisdiction that gives the Supreme Court the authority to grant a writ of Certiorari. This information can be found in legal resources, such as the United States Constitution, federal laws, and court rulings. By reviewing these sources, we can determine the correct type of jurisdiction that enables the Supreme Court to grant a writ of Certiorari.

Question 5: To understand the contrast between judicial restraint and judicial activism in the Supreme Court, it is important to consult reputable sources that discuss and analyze these concepts. Legal textbooks, scholarly articles, and judicial opinions are good sources to obtain a comprehensive understanding of these terms. By studying these sources, we can acquire the necessary knowledge to identify the correct option that describes the contrast between judicial restraint and judicial activism in the Supreme Court.