What freedom did

Chandragupta's subjects lack?
(1 point)
freedom to earn a living
freedom to travel
• to different provinces
• freedom of speech freedom to
• worship as they pleased

The freedom Chandragupta's subjects lacked was freedom of speech and freedom to worship as they pleased.

Chandragupta's subjects lacked the freedom of speech and the freedom to worship as they pleased.

Chandragupta's subjects lacked the freedom of speech and the freedom to worship as they pleased. To arrive at this answer, we can review historical information about Chandragupta's reign.

During Chandragupta's rule, his empire had a centralized administration and a strong bureaucracy. This allowed Chandragupta to exert control and maintain order throughout the kingdom. As a result, the freedom of speech was limited, and subjects were not able to express their opinions freely or openly criticize the government without repercussions.

Additionally, Chandragupta embraced a strict governance model and enforced a standardized code of conduct. This involved restrictions on religious practices, limiting the freedom of worship for his subjects. Instead, Chandragupta sought to establish a unified state religion to consolidate his power and maintain social cohesion.

Therefore, based on historical accounts, it can be concluded that Chandragupta's subjects lacked the freedom of speech and the freedom to worship as they pleased during his reign.