OK the name for the hiring manager of lae biscuit company

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The name of the hiring manager for Lae Biscuit Company may not be publicly available information. It is recommended to visit the company's website or contact their human resources department directly to inquire about the specific hiring manager's name.

To find the name of the hiring manager at Lae Biscuit Company, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the company's website: Start by searching for Lae Biscuit Company's official website. Use a search engine like Google and enter "Lae Biscuit Company official website."

2. Navigate to the "Careers" or "Jobs" section: Once you are on the website, look for a section related to careers or jobs. Usually, this can be found in the navigation menu at the top or bottom of the website. Click on the appropriate link.

3. Check for contact information: Within the careers or jobs section, you may find contact information specifically for the hiring manager or a recruitment contact. Look for details such as a phone number, email address, or even the name of the hiring manager.

4. Reach out to the company directly: If you couldn't find specific information for the hiring manager on the website, you can contact the company directly. Look for a "Contact Us" or "About Us" section on their website. Use the provided contact information, such as a phone number or email address, to inquire about the name of the hiring manager for the position you are interested in.

It's important to note that company websites may vary, and the presence of contact information or specific details may also vary. In some cases, the hiring manager's name may not be readily available. In such situations, you can address your application to the Human Resources department or use the general contact information available to express your interest in a position.