The equation 9.95+0.30s = c gives the cost c in dollars that a website charges for downloading songsThe variable s stands for the number of songs downloaded. Find the cost of downloading 35 songs.

(1 point)

O c = $9.95

O c = $20.45

O c = $35.00

Oc= $114.45





To find the cost of downloading 35 songs, we can substitute the value of s, which is 35, into the equation:

c = 9.95 + 0.30s

c = 9.95 + 0.30(35)

c = 9.95 + 10.50

c = 20.45

So, the cost of downloading 35 songs is $20.45.

Therefore, the correct answer is: c = $20.45.

To find the cost of downloading 35 songs using the equation 9.95 + 0.30s = c, where s is the number of songs downloaded, we substitute s = 35 into the equation:

c = 9.95 + 0.30(35)

c = 9.95 + 10.50

c = 20.45

Therefore, the cost of downloading 35 songs is $20.45.

The correct answer is:

c = $20.45

To find the cost of downloading 35 songs, we can use the equation given: 9.95 + 0.30s = c.

First, we substitute the value of s with 35 in the equation: 9.95 + 0.30(35) = c.

Next, we calculate the multiplication: 9.95 + 10.5 = c.

Finally, we add the two numbers together: 20.45 = c.

Therefore, the cost of downloading 35 songs is $20.45. So the correct answer is "c = $20.45".