you will be writing a paragraph explaining which empire you thought was more successful, the Romans or the Byzantines. You can (and SHOULD) use your thinking map and map inferences to help you write your paragraph.


In my opinion, the Byzantine Empire was more successful than the Romans. When looking at their military strength, the Byzantines were able to successfully defend their empire against external threats for a much longer period of time compared to the Romans. They built a powerful navy that controlled key trade routes, allowing them to establish strong economic dominance. Additionally, the Byzantines were successful in preserving and expanding upon the knowledge and culture of the Greeks and Romans, making significant contributions in the fields of art, literature, and philosophy. Their well-structured bureaucracy and efficient administration also played a crucial role in their success. Finally, the Byzantine Empire lasted for over a thousand years, while the Roman Empire fell after about five centuries, demonstrating their resilience and ability to adapt to changing circumstances. For all these reasons, I believe the Byzantines were more successful than the Romans.

After considering the achievements and impact of both empires, I believe that the Byzantine Empire was more successful than the Romans. The Byzantines successfully preserved and expanded upon the accomplishments of the Roman Empire, creating a lasting legacy that still influences modern society. They constructed impressive architectural wonders such as the Hagia Sophia, which showcased their advanced engineering skills and artistic prowess. The Byzantines also made significant contributions to the fields of law, philosophy, and science, further solidifying their importance in history. Moreover, their strategic location allowed them to maintain control over key trade routes, ensuring economic prosperity for centuries. Overall, the Byzantine Empire's enduring cultural, artistic, and intellectual achievements, along with their political and economic stability, make them a more successful empire than the Romans.

When evaluating which empire was more successful between the Romans and the Byzantines, it is essential to consider various factors. Firstly, one must analyze the geographical extent of each empire. The Roman Empire stretched across three continents, encompassing vast territories and diverse cultures, allowing for an extensive network of trade routes and cultural exchange. On the other hand, the Byzantine Empire, situated in the strategic location between Europe and Asia, established control over key trade routes, effectively promoting economic prosperity. Secondly, one should examine the longevity of each empire. The Roman Empire endured for approximately five centuries, while the Byzantine Empire flourished for over a millennium, showcasing its ability to adapt and withstand numerous socio-political challenges. Lastly, one needs to assess the cultural and intellectual contributions of each empire. The Romans left an indelible mark on Western civilization through their vast architectural achievements, legal system, and language. Conversely, the Byzantines made significant advancements in various fields, including art, science, and literature, notably preserving and expanding upon the knowledge of the ancient Greeks. Drawing upon these points, it becomes evident that the Byzantine Empire was more successful due to its longevity, strategic geographical location, economic prosperity, and cultural and intellectual contributions.