Correctly order these Four Final Rules of Implementation.

Summary: Explains why the rule is necessary or what it regulates.
Effective Date: Tells when the rule will take effect.
Basis and Purpose of the Rule: Gives an explanation as to why the rule is important and necessary.
Agency's Legal Authority Statement: Explains the creation and implementation of the rule in legal terms.

1. Agency's Legal Authority Statement: Explains the creation and implementation of the rule in legal terms.

2. Basis and Purpose of the Rule: Gives an explanation as to why the rule is important and necessary.
3. Summary: Explains why the rule is necessary or what it regulates.
4. Effective Date: Tells when the rule will take effect.

To correctly order these Four Final Rules of Implementation, the order would be as follows:

1. Agency's Legal Authority Statement: This rule should come first to provide an explanation of the legal authority that enables the agency to create and implement the rule.

2. Basis and Purpose of the Rule: This rule should come next as it provides the rationale for why the rule is important and necessary. It explains the basis and purpose for which the rule is established.

3. Effective Date: This rule should come next as it specifies when the rule will take effect. It informs users about the timeline for compliance or enforcement of the rule.

4. Summary: This rule should come last as it provides a concise explanation of what the rule regulates or why it is necessary. It serves as a brief overview of the rule's content.

Therefore, the correct order of the Four Final Rules of Implementation is: Agency's Legal Authority Statement, Basis and Purpose of the Rule, Effective Date, and Summary.

To correctly order the Four Final Rules of Implementation, we need to consider the logical flow of information and the dependencies among the elements. Here is the correct order:

1. Basis and Purpose of the Rule: This should come first because it provides an explanation of why the rule is important and necessary. It establishes the context and rationale for the rule.

2. Agency's Legal Authority Statement: This should follow the basis and purpose of the rule because it explains the legal basis for the rule. It describes the authority under which the agency is creating and implementing the rule.

3. Effective Date: This should come next because it specifies when the rule will take effect. Knowing the effective date helps stakeholders understand when they need to comply with the rule.

4. Summary: This should be the final element because it provides a concise explanation of what the rule regulates or why it is necessary. It serves as a summary of the key points covered in the previous elements.

By following this order, you will present the information in a logical and coherent manner, ensuring that the reader understands the rule's purpose, legal authority, effective date, and summary of what it regulates.