Which word has a short e vowel sound?(1 point)



The word "peel" has a short e vowel sound.

To determine which word has a short e vowel sound, you can analyze the pronunciation of each word. Here's how you can do it:

1. Relax: The vowel sound in "relax" is not a short e sound. It is pronounced with the "ih" sound, like in the word "sit" (/rɪˈlæks/).

2. Peel: The vowel sound in "peel" is indeed a short e sound. It is pronounced with the "eh" sound, like in the word "pen" (/piːl/).

3. Three: The vowel sound in "three" is not a short e sound. It is pronounced with the /iː/ sound, as in the word "see" (/θriː/).

4. Mess: The vowel sound in "mess" is not a short e sound. It is pronounced with the "eh" sound, like in the word "pen" (/mɛs/).

Therefore, the word that has a short e vowel sound is "peel."