Which choice best describes the term abstraction as it refers to computing systems?(1 point)


open-ended and able to be interpreted in different ways

the simplification of complex processes by removing certain elements

the process of adding layers of complexity to make programs more powerful


the simplification of complex processes by removing certain elements

The correct choice that describes the term "abstraction" as it refers to computing systems is:

The simplification of complex processes by removing certain elements

The correct choice that best describes the term "abstraction" as it refers to computing systems is "the simplification of complex processes by removing certain elements."

To understand why this is the correct choice, let's break down the concept of abstraction and how it relates to computing systems.

Abstraction in computing involves simplifying complex systems or processes by hiding unnecessary details and focusing on the essential elements. It is a technique used to manage complexity and improve efficiency in software development.

When we talk about removing certain elements, we mean that abstraction allows us to hide lower-level implementation details and only expose higher-level functionalities. This simplifies the understanding and usage of a particular system or concept.

For example, in programming, we often use libraries or frameworks that provide abstracted functions or classes to perform certain tasks. These abstractions allow developers to use pre-built functionalities without needing to understand the underlying complex implementation details.

By removing unnecessary complexities, abstraction helps improve readability, maintainability, and reusability of code. It allows programmers to focus on solving higher-level problems rather than getting lost in the nitty-gritty details of low-level implementation.

So, in summary, the correct choice that best describes abstraction as it refers to computing systems is "the simplification of complex processes by removing certain elements."