Compare the ratios and using the following tables. Finish the tables by filling in the missing values A and B.

7 4
14 8
21 12
28 16
12 5
24 10
36 15
48 20
60 25
(1 point)
7 : 4 12 : 5
A = 35 and B = 20 .
A = 35 and B = 18 .
A = 32 and B = 18 .
A = 32 and B = 20 .

The complete tables are as follows:

7 : 4 12 : 5
14 : 8 24 : 10
21 : 12 36 : 15
28 : 16 48 : 20
35 : A 60 : 25

To find the missing values A and B, we can use the fact that the ratios are equivalent. From the second table, we can set up the equation:

24/10 = 12/5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

24 * 5 = 12 * 10
120 = 120

The equation is true, so we can conclude that A = 35.

Similarly, from the fourth table, we can set up the equation:

48/20 = 32/B

Cross-multiplying, we get:

48 * B = 20 * 32
48B = 640

Dividing both sides by 48, we find:

B = 640/48
B = 80/6
B = 40/3

So, the missing values are A = 35 and B = 40/3, which is approximately 13.33.

Therefore, the correct answer is A = 35 and B = 20.

To compare the ratios, we need to find the missing values A and B in the second table.

We can see that in the first table, the ratio of the first column (7, 14, 21, 28) to the second column (4, 8, 12, 16) is constant. The ratio is 7:4.

Now, let's find the ratio in the second table by comparing the corresponding values in the two columns:

12 / 5 = 2.4
24 / 10 = 2.4
36 / 15 = 2.4
48 / 20 = 2.4
60 / 25 = 2.4

We can see that the ratio in the second table is also 2.4.

Therefore, to complete the table, the missing values A and B would be:

A = 35 and B = 20.

To compare the ratios, we need to find the ratio of the first number to the second number in each pair.

Looking at the first table:
- The ratio for the first pair is 7:4, which can be simplified to 7/4.
- The ratio for the second pair is 14:8, which can be simplified to 7/4 as well.
- Similarly, for the third and fourth pairs, the ratios are 7/4.

Now, let's look at the second table and fill in the missing values A and B.

To find A, we need to determine the pattern in the first numbers of the pairs in the first table. We can observe that the first numbers are multiples of 7 (7, 14, 21, 28). So, the first number in the fifth pair should be 35 (7 * 5). Hence, A = 35.

To find B, we need to determine the pattern in the second numbers of the pairs in the first table. We can notice that the second numbers are multiples of 4 (4, 8, 12, 16). So, the second number in the fifth pair should be 20 (4 * 5). Hence, B = 20.

Comparing the ratios using the filled table from the second table:
- The ratio for the fifth pair is 35:20, which can be simplified to 7:4.

Therefore, the correct answer is A = 35 and B = 20.