Your body has many joints. They allow you to bend, flex, and move in different ways while holding your bones in place. They allow for movement and stability. Synovial joints are characterized by the presence of synovial fluid in the space between the two bones that are next to each other in the joint.

Gliding joints: Gliding joints allow for smooth movements because the bones that form these joints glide past each other. The joints between the carpal bones in the wrist are one example..

Condyloid joints: Condyloid joints look like two bowls. They are similar to

gliding joints. They differ in that the surface where the bones move past each other is irregularly shaped. The radio-carpal joint, also in the wrist, is an example of a condyloid joint.

Saddle joints: Bones forming saddle joints are shaped like a saddle and a

rider, such that one bone sticks out a bit while the other is inverted. Saddle joints allow for lots of bending of limbs without sliding the bones. The carpal- metacarpal joint of the thumb is this type of joint.

Hinge joints: Hinge joints work like the hinges you see in daily life. Hinge joints, like the one between the humerus and ulna bones in your elbow, allow for extension and flexion without sliding or deviation.

Ball and socket joints: Ball and socket joints are like saddle joints, but they look more like well, a ball in a socket. These kinds of joints provide stability and a large range of movement. A good example is the hip joint, where the two adjoining surfaces are called the femur and the acetabulum.

Pivot joints: Pivot joints allow for twisting without the gliding movement of the adjacent bones. For example, the first two cervical vertebrae, called the atlas and axis, allow you to rotate your head on your neck.

Improving Stability

Now you know how your joints play a role in stability. There are ways to improve your stability and balance:

• Sit on an exercise ball while you're doing other activities like watching television.

• Stand on one leg.

• Walk around with a book on your head.

Do squats, lunges, or upper body exercises at different angles while standing on a wobble board.

Your joints let you be fairly flexible, with each type of joint allowing for a different type of motion. Because of the broad range of motion they permit, balancing can be tricky. Precise stability will likely require some practice.

In a couple of sentences, describe the differences between gliding and condyloid joints and name the body part where both joints can be found.

Gliding joints allow for smooth movements as the bones glide past each other, while condyloid joints have irregularly shaped surfaces where the bones move past each other. Both joints can be found in the wrist, with gliding joints between the carpal bones and a condyloid joint at the radio-carpal joint.

Gliding joints allow smooth movements as the bones glide past each other, while condyloid joints have irregularly shaped surfaces where the bones move. Both joints can be found in the wrist, with the gliding joints between the carpal bones and the condyloid joint known as the radio-carpal joint.

Gliding joints allow for smooth movements as the bones glide past each other, while condyloid joints have irregularly shaped surfaces where the bones move. Both joints can be found in the wrist, with the gliding joints between the carpal bones and the condyloid joint at the radio-carpal joint.