Which of the following is a component of an object

Geographic placement
Default color
Collision shape
Original size

All of the following are components of an object:

- Geographic placement: Refers to the location or position of the object in a geographic space.
- Default color: Refers to the predetermined color assigned to an object if no other color is specified.
- Collision shape: Refers to the shape or form of the object used for collision detection with other objects in a simulation or game.
- Original size: Refers to the initial size or dimensions of the object as created or defined.

The component of an object among the options provided is the Collision shape.

The component of an object among the options you provided is the Collision shape.

To determine this, you can review the characteristics of each option and consider which one describes a physical attribute or characteristic of an object.

- Geographic placement refers to the position or location of an object within a geographical area. While this may be a characteristic for certain objects, it is not inherently a component of an object.
- Default color refers to the initial color assigned to an object. This is more of an optional or variable feature, rather than being a fundamental component.
- Original size refers to the initial dimensions or scale of an object. Similar to the default color, this is not necessarily a core component but rather a characteristic that can be modified.

On the other hand, a collision shape is a crucial component for objects in the context of physics or gaming. It defines the physical boundaries or shape of an object that can interact with other objects, such as in collisions or physics simulations.

Therefore, among the given options, the appropriate component of an object is the Collision shape.