Other names to refer to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

Some common alternative names for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are:

- Addition:
- Summation
- Plus
- Increase
- Total
- Combining
- Adding

- Subtraction:
- Minus
- Deduction
- Reduce
- Difference
- Take away

- Multiplication:
- Product
- Times
- Multiply by
- Repeated addition
- Scaling
- Grouping

- Division:
- Quotient
- Divide by
- Distribute
- Splitting
- Partition
- Sharing

Here are some alternative names for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division:

1. Addition:
- Summation
- Plus
- Adding
- Totaling
- Append

2. Subtraction:
- Minus
- Deduction
- Removing
- Take away
- Withdraw

3. Multiplication:
- Product
- Times
- Multiply
- Scaling
- Repeated addition

4. Division:
- Quotient
- Divide
- Sharing
- Splitting
- Partition

Please note that these are common alternative names used to refer to these mathematical operations.

Besides their common names, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be referred to by alternative terms. Here are some other names for these operations:

1. Addition:
- Summation
- Plus
- Total
- Increase
- Add

2. Subtraction:
- Minus
- Difference
- Decrease
- Take away
- Subtract

3. Multiplication:
- Product
- Times
- Multiply
- Multiply by

4. Division:
- Quotient
- Divide
- Split
- Separate into
- Divide by

These alternative names are helpful to vary the language used when discussing mathematical operations.