What was the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation?(1 point) Responses The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed people to travel without talking or meeting others. The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed people to travel without talking or meeting others. The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge. The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge. The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read. The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read. The development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect. People had always traveled.

The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

The correct answer would be: "The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge."

To arrive at the correct answer, you need to understand the concept of navigation and its impact on travel and trade. Navigation refers to the skill and knowledge of determining one's position and course on land or at sea. Prior to the development of navigation, people's ability to travel long distances was limited, as they heavily relied on landmark-based navigation or simply following established trade routes.

With the advancement of navigation techniques, such as the use of compasses, maps, and star charts, people gained the ability to accurately determine their location and navigate across longer distances. This newfound knowledge of navigation enabled people to explore and trade with distant lands, leading to the expansion of trade networks and the exchange of goods and ideas between different civilizations.

Therefore, the development of navigation had a significant effect by allowing people to travel longer distances, facilitating more trading activities, and fostering a greater exchange of knowledge.