What was the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation? (1 point)

A)The development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect. People had always traveled.
B)The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed people to travel without talking or meeting others.
C)The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.
D)The knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier. This allowed more people to learn to read

C) The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

C) The knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances. This allowed for more trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.

To determine the effect of the development of the knowledge of navigation, let's evaluate each option:

A) The statement suggests that the development of the knowledge of navigation had no effect and that people had always traveled. However, this answer overlooks the significance of advancements in navigation techniques and tools.

B) The statement suggests that the knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances independently, without the need for interaction with others. While this might be true to some extent, it does not address the broader implications of navigation knowledge.

C) The statement suggests that the knowledge of navigation allowed people to travel longer distances, leading to increased trading and exchange of knowledge. This answer captures the profound impact of navigation on trade routes, exploration, and the spreading of ideas.

D) The statement suggests that the knowledge of navigation made binding and printing books easier, enabling more people to learn to read. Although the invention of printing presses contributed to the dissemination of knowledge, it is not directly tied to the development of navigation knowledge.

Based on this analysis, option C is the most accurate. The development of the knowledge of navigation did indeed allow people to travel longer distances, facilitating increased trading and a greater exchange of knowledge.