A) Summarize how the development of Islam became Islamdom. (1 point)

• Islam spread through trade that grew into the Islamic Empire of monetary power and control.
Islam spread through religion, trade, and military effort that expanded across multiple continents.
• Islam became the most popularly practiced religion, which influenced the rest of the world.
Islam spread through scholarly writings, leading to mass religious changes across the globe.

Islam spread through religion, trade, and military effort that expanded across multiple continents. The development of Islam transformed into Islamdom as it grew into the Islamic Empire, gaining monetary power and control. It became the most popularly practiced religion, influencing the rest of the world. Additionally, scholarly writings played a significant role in spreading Islam and leading to mass religious changes globally.

The development of Islam into Islamdom can be summarized as follows:

Islam spread through various means, including religion, trade, and military efforts, leading to the growth of the Islamic Empire. Islam initially spread through trade routes, as Muslim merchants traveled across different regions, spreading their faith. As a result, the Islamic Empire gained economic power and control.

In addition to trade, military efforts played a significant role in the expansion of Islam. Muslim armies conquered vast territories, extending Islamic rule across multiple continents. This military conquest contributed to the establishment of the Islamic Empire as a dominant force in the world.

Furthermore, Islam's popularity as a practiced religion played a crucial role in its development into Islamdom. Over time, Islam became the most widely practiced religion, surpassing other faiths in terms of followers. This widespread practice of Islam had a significant influence on other regions and cultures, shaping the religious landscape of the world.

Lastly, the dissemination of Islamic knowledge through scholarly writings contributed to the spread of Islam. Scholars wrote extensively on Islamic teachings and interpretations, leading to mass religious changes globally. These writings attracted followers and enabled the expansion of Islam beyond its place of origin.

Overall, the development of Islam into Islamdom was influenced by trade, military conquest, the wide practice of the religion, and the dissemination of Islamic knowledge through scholarly writings. These factors contributed to the growth and influence of Islam across different regions, establishing it as a dominant force in the world.

The development of Islam into Islamdom can be summarized as a combination of factors: trade, religion, military efforts, and scholarly writings. Islam initially spread through trade routes, particularly within the Arabian Peninsula, where it gained momentum and transformed into the Islamic Empire. This empire wielded significant monetary power and exerted control over vast territories.

However, the spread of Islam was not limited to trade alone. It also expanded through a combination of religious, military, and scholarly efforts. Islamic teachings attracted followers across different regions, and successful military campaigns further expanded the reach of Islam, crossing multiple continents.

As Islam grew in popularity, it became one of the most widely practiced religions globally and had a significant influence on the rest of the world. The cultural, economic, and political impact of Islam led to dynamic changes in various societies. Moreover, Islamic scholarly writings played a crucial role in disseminating religious knowledge and ideas, resulting in mass religious transformations and shaping the religious landscape across different parts of the world.