In 2-4 sentences describe the Taino view of colombus’s voyage and their encounter with the Europeans

The Taino people initially greeted Columbus and his crew with curiosity and hospitality, perceiving them as powerful beings. However, they soon realized that the Europeans came with the intention to conquer and exploit their land, resources, and people. Ultimately, the Taino viewed Columbus's voyage and their encounter with the Europeans as a disastrous event that led to their subjugation, displacement, and the devastating decline of their population.

The Taino people, who were the indigenous inhabitants of the Caribbean islands, initially viewed Columbus's voyage with curiosity and hospitality. However, their encounters with the Europeans quickly turned disastrous as the Europeans initiated violence, colonization, and the spread of diseases that decimated the Taino population. The Taino view of Columbus's voyage and encounter with the Europeans shifted from curiosity to tragedy and devastation.

The Taino people, who inhabited the Caribbean islands when Christopher Columbus arrived, likely viewed his voyage and the encounter with Europeans as a significant disruption to their lives. They were initially curious about the newcomers, believing them to be powerful spirits. However, as the Europeans began to exploit and mistreat the Taino, the initial curiosity turned into distrust and resentment.