Subtract 4.66×10−5−7.34×10^-7


negative 4.5866 times 10 superscript negative 5 baseline

negative 2.68 times 10 squared

2.68 times 10 squared


positive 4.5866 times 10 superscript negative 5 baseline

To subtract 4.66×10^(-5) from 7.34×10^(-7), follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert both numbers to scientific notation if they are not already.
4.66×10^(-5) and 7.34×10^(-7) are already in scientific notation.

Step 2: Subtract the coefficients (the numbers in front of the powers of 10).
4.66 - 7.34 = -2.68

Step 3: Keep the same power of 10.
The power of 10 in -2.68×10^(-2) remains the same, which is -5.

Therefore, the subtraction is -2.68×10^(-5).

To subtract 4.66×10^-5 from 7.34×10^-7, you need to remember a few rules of arithmetic with numbers written in scientific notation.

1. First, make sure the exponents of both numbers are the same. In this case, both exponents are already negative, so you're good to go.

2. Next, subtract the coefficients (the numbers before the powers of 10). In this case, it would be 4.66 - 7.34 = -2.68.

3. Finally, keep the exponent the same as the original numbers. In this case, it is 10^-5.

So, the final result is -2.68 times 10^-5, which can be written as -2.68×10^-5.