In which form of reproduction will pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent? (1 point)


binary fission
binary fission

vegetative reproduction
vegetative reproduction





In the form of reproduction where pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent, there are a few options to consider:

1. Binary fission: This form of reproduction is commonly found in single-celled organisms like bacteria. It involves the division of one cell into two identical daughter cells.

To get the answer, you can research the process of binary fission and understand its characteristics. Additionally, you can look for examples of organisms that reproduce through binary fission and see if they produce identical copies of the parent.

2. Vegetative reproduction: In this form of reproduction, a new plant develops from a part of the parent plant, such as a stem, leaf, or root. The offspring are genetically identical to the parent plant.

To find out more about vegetative reproduction, you can study various methods like rooting cuttings, grafting, or bulb division. These methods can give you insight into how identical copies of the parent are produced.

3. Fragmentation: This type of reproduction is common in organisms like flatworms and sea stars. It involves breaking apart the parent organism into smaller pieces, each of which grows into a new, genetically identical individual.

To understand fragmentation, you can learn about the regenerative abilities of organisms that reproduce in this way. Research examples of organisms that reproduce through fragmentation and study how their broken fragments can develop into identical copies of the parent.

4. Budding: Budding is a method of reproduction seen in organisms like yeast and hydra. It involves the growth of a small bud or outgrowth on the parent organism, which eventually becomes a separate, genetically identical individual.

To grasp the concept of budding, you can explore the process of bud formation and how it leads to the development of identical offspring. Look for specific examples of organisms that reproduce through budding to deepen your understanding.

By understanding these different forms of reproduction and researching specific examples of each, you can identify the one in which pieces of the parent develop into identical copies of the parent.