The Assyrian rulers divided their empire into 70 smaller units of government called provinces. Then they assigned a governor to each province who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler. What was the goal of this technique?

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into smaller provinces and appointing governors was to ensure effective administration and control over their vast territories. This technique allowed the Assyrian rulers to have a direct connection with each province through their governors, enabling them to maintain political stability and enforce their authority throughout the empire. By decentralizing power and delegating responsibilities to the provincial governors, the Assyrian rulers aimed to strengthen their governance and maintain a centralized bureaucracy. Additionally, this system facilitated efficient communication, collection of taxes, implementation of policies, and suppression of potential rebellions or uprisings within the empire.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into 70 smaller units of government called provinces and assigning a governor to each province who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler was to ensure efficient administration and control over the vast empire. The technique allowed the Assyrian rulers to effectively monitor and govern each province, maintain law and order, collect taxes, and enforce the emperor's policies. Furthermore, by appointing governors who were loyal to the ruler, they could prevent any potential rebellions or uprisings and maintain centralized power.

The goal of dividing the Assyrian empire into smaller units of government known as provinces and appointing governors to oversee them was to enable more efficient administration and control over the vast territory. This technique had several benefits:

1. Centralized rule: By appointing governors who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler, the empire could ensure direct control and supervision over the provinces. This allowed for a centralized authority and streamlined decision-making process.

2. Efficient administration: Dividing the empire into provinces facilitated effective governance by reducing the administrative burden on the ruler. Instead of trying to govern the entire empire alone, the ruler could delegate the task to governors who were responsible for managing the day-to-day affairs of their respective provinces.

3. Local autonomy: The establishment of provinces allowed the Assyrians to maintain local administration and customs within each region. The governors had the authority to enforce imperial policies while also accommodating certain local customs and traditions. This approach created a balance between centralized rule and regional autonomy.

4. Enhanced communication and control: The establishment of provinces and appointment of governors improved communication channels between the ruler and different parts of the empire. Governors acted as intermediaries, providing regular updates to the ruler about the conditions and developments within their provinces. This enabled the ruler to respond swiftly to any challenges or threats.

5. Effective taxation and resource management: The provincial structure also facilitated the collection of taxes and management of resources. Each province had its own tax collection system, ensuring a predictable revenue stream for the empire. Additionally, governors were responsible for overseeing the extraction of resources and the implementation of economic policies within their provinces.

Overall, the goal of this technique was to create a well-structured and organized administrative system that would enable efficient governance, effective communication, and centralized control over the vast Assyrian empire.