"mis hermanos"in english

my grnadfather
my brothers
my sisters

"mis hermanos" in English translates to "my brothers."

"mi abuelo" in English translates to "my grandfather."
"mis hermanos" in English translates to "my brothers."
"mis hermanas" in English translates to "my sisters."

"mis hermanos" in English translates to "my brothers".

"mi abuelo" in English translates to "my grandfather".

"mis hermanos" in English translates to "my brothers".

"mis hermanas" in English translates to "my sisters".

To translate the phrases "mis hermanos" and "mi abuelo" from Spanish to English, you can use an online translation tool like Google Translate or Bing Translator. Here are the translations for your phrases:

- "mis hermanos" translates to "my brothers" in English.
- "mi abuelo" translates to "my grandfather" in English.

Keep in mind that online translation tools can sometimes be inaccurate, so it's always good to double-check with a native speaker if possible.