What do people in Spain do when greeting each other?

kiss on one cheek
bow their heads
kiss on both cheeks

In Spain, when greeting each other, it is customary to kiss on both cheeks. This is a common practice among friends, family members, and even acquaintances. The number of kisses may vary depending on the region or personal preference, but two kisses is the most common greeting.

When greeting each other in Spain, people typically kiss on one cheek. It is customary to give a friendly kiss on the right cheek, starting with the left cheek leaning in. However, in some regions and among close friends and family, a kiss on both cheeks may be given. Bowing their heads is not a common form of greeting in Spain.

When greeting each other in Spain, it is common for people to kiss on one cheek. However, it is important to note that the number of kisses can vary depending on the region and the relationship between the individuals. In some parts of Spain, such as Catalonia or Basque Country, it is more common to greet with a handshake or a simple verbal greeting. To ascertain the most appropriate way to greet someone in Spain, it would be best to observe and adapt to the local customs and the behavior of the person you are meeting.