Are the standards appropriate for the stated objectives", is a question applicable during the following step:

Establishing the performance standards

Measuring the real performance

Evaluating the deviations

Taking corrective actions

Yes, the question "Are the standards appropriate for the stated objectives?" is applicable during the step of establishing the performance standards. This is because in this step, the organization or individual is setting the standards or criteria against which the performance will be measured. Consequently, it is relevant to evaluate whether these standards are appropriate in relation to the stated objectives.

For the steps of measuring the real performance, evaluating the deviations, and taking corrective actions, the question may not be directly applicable. These steps involve assessing the actual performance against the established standards, identifying any deviations from the desired performance, and taking corrective actions to address those deviations. However, if the performance standards are found to be inappropriate or not aligned with the stated objectives during these steps, it may be necessary to revisit the question and make any necessary adjustments to the standards.

No, the question "Are the standards appropriate for the stated objectives?" is applicable during the step of Evaluating the deviations. This is because during this step, deviations from the established performance standards are evaluated to determine if the standards are appropriate for the stated objectives.

No, the question "Are the standards appropriate for the stated objectives?" is not applicable during the step of establishing the performance standards.

During the step of establishing the performance standards, the focus is on determining and setting the desired levels of performance that need to be achieved in order to meet the objectives. This involves defining the specific criteria, expectations, and benchmarks that will be used to evaluate performance later on.

The question of whether the standards are appropriate for the stated objectives will be more relevant during the evaluation of deviations. This step occurs after measuring the real performance and involves comparing the actual performance against the established standards to identify any deviations or discrepancies. At this stage, one would assess whether the performance standards were indeed appropriate and whether any adjustments need to be made.

So, to answer the original question, the question "Are the standards appropriate for the stated objectives?" is applicable during the step of evaluating deviations, not during the step of establishing the performance standards.