24 - (-15)

24 - (-15) = 24 + 15 = 39

To subtract 24 from -(-15), we can convert the subtraction into addition by negating both numbers. So, -(-15) becomes 15.

Now, subtracting 24 from 15 can be done by subtracting the smaller number (24) from the larger number (15) and adding a negative sign.

15 - 24 = -9

Therefore, 24 - (-15) is equal to -9.

To subtract 24 from -15, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Change the subtraction operation to addition.
Instead of subtracting a negative number, you can rewrite the equation as an addition problem. So, the equation becomes 24 + 15.

Step 2: Calculate the sum.
Add the two numbers together: 24 + 15 = 39.

Therefore, 24 - (-15) equals 39.